Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day Three: The Vacationer

Day Three: Finished up a design to sub at DBH. I can't think of a good title, though. Originally it was "I'm Going Places," now it's "The Vacationer." I usually come up with concepts before I start drawing, but with this one I just kept adding to it to make it look neat, which is why I think I don't have a good title. There isn't much concept except that it's a bizarre thing that's traveling. But also immobilized by being plugged into the wall. Did I mention I like irony? And opposites?

As soon as I find a good title, Ima sub it. Help is always appreciated.


  1. Cool design. Transcendental tourist?

  2. Hmm... I like it, I like it. Thanks Robert.

  3. I like this, Jamie. And the name is good too.

  4. Great techniques and very creative. Maybe Tethered Tele-Traveler... or Voltage Vacation(er)

  5. Plus one. One of my faves of yours already.

  6. I subbed it already as "Transcendental Toursit" (thanks, Robert!) but I do like "Tele-Traveler" a lot.
